Especially during these hot summer months, it is essential to stay hydrated. Unfortunately, many Americans don’t drink nearly the amount of water they should. The recommended intake of water each day varies depending on factors like your weight and level of activity. A good guideline that our society often goes by is around eight glasses per day. When you lose moisture due to sweating during hot summer months or being more active, you should be drinking even more than this. But what is so great about water, and why do we at
Chicago Smile Design care about how much water you're drinking? Below are the benefits of wonderful water.
Balance your body’s fluids
Over half of our body content is made up of water. The proper function of our body’s different systems depends on us replenishing the water we use up. By drinking water, you ensure that your body’s fluid make-up is balanced and that all of your organs and muscles are healthy.
Invigorate your skin
Water works wonders for your skin. Like the rest of your body, your skin is made up of mostly water. When we become dehydrated, our skin can appear dull, dry, or even cracked. To avoid these symptoms, make sure your water intake is adequate.
Improve your mood
Dehydration can make us cranky, tired, apathetic, irritable, and a variety of other moods. Being dehydrated also leads to headaches that make our mood take a turn for the worst. When we stay hydrated, we can avoid this. Stay happy and healthy by drinking enough water!
Have more energy
Water helps transport nutrients to the different parts of your body that need them. Staying hydrated helps you stay energized because it balances fluids in the cells of your muscles and keeps your electrolyte levels where they should be.
Smile brighter!
Our favorite reason that you should drink more water is that it has great implications for your mouth! Not only does drinking water help flush out food particles and germs that might still be stuck between your teeth, it can also help with bad breath. Additionally, if you are drinking water from the city, it often contains fluoride which helps prevent cavities and fight tooth decay. The best reason, though, is that if you are drinking more water, it means you are drinking less sugary and acidic beverages that are harmful to your teeth. That way your teeth stay white and shiny!
Make sure that you’re getting your daily dose of H2O this summer. It will keep you happy, energized, and smiling brighter!
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